SLT-MOBITEL, the National ICT Solutions Provider, shone with top honours at the prestigious CMA Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards 2023 held recently. SLT-MOBITEL received the accolades as a testament to the company’s commitment to transparent communication and stakeholder engagement.
SLT-MOBITEL was honoured with two awards: the ‘Best Integrated Report in the Telecommunication Sector” and an overall ‘Merit Award’. The Best Integrated Report in the Telecommunication Sector award was presented to SLT-MOBITEL for its outstanding integrated report, a testament to the company’s commitment to transparent communication and stakeholder engagement. Additionally, winning the Overall Merit Award underlines the company’s commitment to adhering to international best practices in integrated reporting.

The awards are a reflection of SLT-MOBITEL’s dedication to maintaining the highest standards of corporate governance, sustainability, and accountability. They also demonstrate the company’s commitment to embracing a comprehensive approach to reporting that provides stakeholders with a clear and holistic view of its performance.
The award ceremony, held at the Taj Samudra in Colombo, celebrated excellence in integrated reporting, recognizing outstanding contributions from various sectors. The Excellence in Integrated Reporting Awards encourage Sri Lankan companies, including both listed and unlisted ones, as well as state-owned enterprises, to adopt integrated reporting. As a practice, it offers valuable insights to investors and stakeholders by explaining how an organization generates, sustains, or diminishes value over time. Integrated reporting serves the interests of all stakeholders, encompassing employees, customers, suppliers, business partners, local communities, legislators, regulators, and policymakers, by illuminating an organization’s long-term value creation process.
The integrated reports are evaluated using guidelines applicable in the International Integrated Reporting Framework as issued by the International Integrated Reporting Council in 2013 and revised in 2021. The evaluation takes into account not only financial information but also non-financial and other qualitative aspects of reporting.
The accolades further affirm SLT-MOBITEL’s leadership not only in the telecommunications sector but also in the broader corporate landscape, where integrated reporting plays a pivotal role in shaping transparency, trust, and sustainability.