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HomeBiz News“Strengthening the Role of (IWCs) through a Plastic Recycling Model in Kaduwela...

“Strengthening the Role of (IWCs) through a Plastic Recycling Model in Kaduwela Municipal Council Area”..

Monarch Imperial Hotel, Sri Jayawardhanapura, Colombo, Janathakshan GTE Ltd., with the funding support of USAID Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO) Program, is pleased to remark on the Project Closing Event of the Project, Strengthening the Role of IWCs through a Plastic Recycling Model in Kaduwela Municipal Council Area funded by USAID Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO) Program and implemented by Janathakshan GTE Ltd.

Scheduled for 05th March 2024, from 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM, the project closing event was held at Monarch Imperial Hotel, 31A New Hospital Rd, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte 10100. The distinguished honorable guests at the event were from the Ministry of Environment, Department of Local Government, Kaduwela Municipal Council, Waste Management Authority-Western Province, Central Environmental Authority, Kaduwela Divisional Secretariat, USAID Clean Cities Blue Ocean Program, private sector recyclers and companies, and many other agencies.

Mrs. Nilanka Wijenayake, Country Director of USAID Clean Cities, Blue Ocean Program, Sri Lanka and Maldives mentioned that the project implemented by Janathakshan was very unique and thus there was a new awakening in the field of informal waste management sector.

Dr. Janaka Hemathilaka, Chief Executive Officer of Janathaskan Guarantee Limited emphasized that Janathaskan succeeded in achieving the specific objectives of the project, which included developing the capacity of waste collectors and promoting sustainable waste management practices in the community.

The closing event shared the best practices and lessons learned from the IWC-led plastic waste recycling model. Also, this closing event shared results, highlights, and impacts. Importantly, this event can be taken as a knowledge-sharing activity and targeted at influencing other Municipal Councils (MCs), Urban Councils (UCs), and Pradeshiya Sabas (PSs) to adopt similar models in the Colombo district. Janathakshan is expected to get the support of relevant stakeholders, partners, and agencies to promote the model at national policy discussions and advocate the same to incorporate it into the relevant policies/frameworks appropriately.

During the Project Closing Event, two (02) panels were executed regarding the overview of the project implementation as well as sharing the impact and the best practices of the project. The first panel consisted of the main two stakeholders of the project namely, the Kaduwela Munucipal Council and Waste Management Authority-Western Province. Additionally, representatives/high officials from the Ministry of Environment, Central Environmental Authority, USAID Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO) program. The second panel comprised the Consultants of the end-line assessment of the project and project process documentation, and direct beneficiaries of the project such as Owners of Plastic Recycling Centers, and Informal Waste Collectors and Community Animators.

Throughout the project, Janathakshan achieved some important milestones. Janathakshan established and facilitated 04 Plastic Recycling Centers (PRCs), identified 100 Informal Waste Collectors (IWCs), identified 114 Community Animators, successfully placed 45 Waste Collection Bins, distributed 05 e-bicycles, reached 3056 people and 1489 School Students through awareness on Solid Waste Management (SWM) and 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycling. With all these interventions, the project has safely managed 580 Metric tons of municipal waste, reduced, or recovered and diverted from the disposal of 550 Metric tons of materials, and safely managed 500 Metric tons of plastic.

During the project execution, Janathakshan closely worked with the Kaduwela Municipal Council (KMC) and Western Province Waste Management Authority (WPWMA) to leverage the insufficient supply of plastics to meet the market demand for clean, recyclable plastics. Collaboratively this intervention supported engaging existing registered Informal Waste Collectors (IWCs) as well as new IWCs, to design an IWC-led plastic waste recycling model that helped meet market demand.

Janathakshan GTE Ltd. is a pioneering organization dedicated to sustainable development through innovative solutions. Janathakshan works closely with communities, government entities, and international partners to address environmental and social challenges effectively.



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